Corporate governance information system

Experts of the Konti Group developed and implemented a Corporate Governance Information System (CGIS), which has demonstrated high efficiency in managing the resource and business process of the Konti Group.

The system is based on an integrated solution that provides full cycle project management: from the initiation and planning of projects to their automation and execution followed by monitoring their operational efficiency.

The system's functionality has been in demand and effective at all the management levels of the holding company: from monitoring the performance of individual tasks and operations to benchmarks identified in the project by the company management.

The system allows resolving complex issues in the field of project management and defining the principles, policies and strategies in the field of investment project management, monitoring their implementation, designing and implementing exit strategies from unattractive investment projects.

CGIS is a unique development of the Konti Group, which has no analogs among the Russian companies of the construction sector.

We offer our services in the implementation and adaptation of the Corporate Governance Information System for construction companies and the industrial complex.